How can Mental Health First Aid training assist supervisors and managers?

Mental Health First Aid is the help given to someone who is experiencing a mental health problem or a mental health crisis. It is similar to physical first aid in that the help is given until professional help is received, or until the crisis resolves. It was developed using scientific evidence from all over the world and supports best practice for helping someone with a mental health problem.

Statistics show that 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness in any given year, and anecdotal evidence suggests that this figure could be closer to 1 in 4 people.

Supervisors have the important and sometimes difficult job of managing staff to achieve desired outcomes. With statistics showing that 20 to 25% of people will suffer from a common mental illness in any year, most supervisors will, at some point in their career, need to manage an employee who might be either developing a mental health problem, or experiencing the worsening of a mental health problem, or they may even be experiencing a mental health crisis.

Mental Health First Aid training teaches the participant the signs to look out for, and how to provide help and support.  Research has shown that, as a result of the condition itself, sometimes people who are developing a mental illness don’t have the insight into what they’re experiencing, so being trained in Mental Health First Aid can really be helpful in getting someone help as early as possible. Research also shows that someone developing a mental illness is more likely to seek help if someone close to them suggests it.

The training also teaches participants how to approach the person, and how to have a conversation that makes the person feel supported. After all, mental illness is a medical condition and people have no control over developing a medical condition.

Participants will also learn how to help someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis, which is an essential skill to have in the workplace. Participants will learn the skills and gain the confidence to have a conversation with someone who might be suicidal, experiencing a panic attack, or suffering from a traumatic event.

Supervisors who are trained in MHFA are more skilled to be able to have a discussion with an employee with mental illness and as a result, be a more effective and supportive supervisor.

Participants will also receive a Mental Health First Aider Certificate which is valid for 3 years.

Research has also shown that people who have attended these training courses are more mentally healthy than people who have not attended the training.

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